World Economic Forum on Latin America

Cartagena, Colombia 6-8 April 2010
New Partnerships for a Sustainable Recovery

For almost a decade, Latin America has enjoyed more stable and on average more positive economic growth than in past decades. However, one-fourth of the population still lives on two dollars a day with limited access to basic services and infrastructure.

Latin American countries also face the global challenges of building a solid financial architecture, providing quality education for all, developing clean and diversified sources of energy and sustainably using natural resources. While consensus is emerging in the region on the need to preserve and strengthen democracies, there is no consensus on how to reduce poverty and inequality. To shape the fundamentals of a new development cycle, a redesign in regional cooperation is needed which is based on enlightened values and mutual trust.

With the full support of the Colombian government and the Forum’s key Strategic Partners, the World Economic Forum will convene 400 of the most prominent leaders from Latin America and other parts of the world on 6-8 April 2010 in Cartagena, Colombia, to build on the success of the 2009 World Economic Forum on Latin America in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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