Prime minister for all 'mission' jobs pledges

He told students in Glasgow that he wanted to see Britain's economy "quickly" return to high employment.

The declaration came when the Prime Minister, accompanied by Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy, toured Langside College of Further Education.

The college has recently completed the first £18 million phase of a £36 million redevelopment.

Education is a devolved responsibility in Scotland, and Mr Brown's speech made no mention of the minority SNP administration in Edinburgh.

After touring the college, he told students: "In the past we developed only some of the talents of some of the people. The whole purpose of this college, and our policy for education, is to develop all of the talents of all of the people."

The Prime Minister continued: "I want to see a situation where, not only do we give you new opportunities in education, but we create an economy where there are jobs for all. Our mission is not simply to invest more in education as we will do with the new extension to the college. Our mission is to make sure there are jobs in the economy for people once they get the qualifications."

Mr Brown said: "I want to return quickly to a Britain where there is high employment and good opportunities for highly-skilled jobs for all of you."

And he said: "We are determined to continue to invest in the potential of every student in this country."

No 10 said Mr Brown's visit came in response to an invitation from the principal, Graeme Hyslop.

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