Executive Editor Report 2009 Submission Figures 2009

Since starting with the publishing with Springer in May 2008 we have been using an electronic manuscript submission system. Submissions about Focus Theme Section, as well as a General Research Section have been handled by the online submission system. As from Volume 19 we decided that the submissions for the general research section would not be assigned to a specific issue but that the accepted submissions would be published in the next following issue.

The number of all submissions from May 2008 until now totaled 90. Hence the number of submissions in this period has increased by 3 submissions from 2008 (87). The submitted papers in 2008 were 57 and in 2009 were 33. Whereas we received 5 submissions for focus theme ‘Bled Conference’ (publication in 19-1), 6 submissions for focus theme ‘Electronic Customer Relationship Management’ (publication in 19-2), 9 submissions for the focus theme ‘Internet of Things’ (publication in 19-3) and 13 submissions for focus theme ‘E-Collaboration an Communication Systems’ (publication in 19-4). For the general research section we received 57 submissions.

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All submissions for both sections go through a strict and thorough double blind review process thus being anonymous and confidential for authors as well as reviewers. At least two peers out of our community – in many cases three - prepare a detailed review for every submission. It’s our foremost aim to publish only high quality research papers. As a result of the thorough review process we accept 21% on average of all submissions for publication. For the focus theme and general research section we have the following acceptance rates:

Focus Themes
19-1 acceptance rate 40%
19-2 acceptance rate 33%
19-3 acceptance rate 44%
Vol. 19 (1-3) acceptance rate 40%
General Research acceptance rate 12%

Figure 4 shows the acceptance rates from Vol. 16 to Vol. 19 (all details without consideration of Vol. 19-4).

The acceptance rate for the general research section decreased from 16% to 12% and the acceptance rate for focus theme section decreased from 63% to 40%. That means the general acceptance rate decreased also. However, more submissions about focus theme sections have reached the quality requirements to be published. Because the journal’s aim is to serve as an outlet for research in emerging areas and thus to contribute to its further development but also has high quality expectations the respective decisions whether to accept a paper for publication or not are frequently complex and require extensive discussions until a final decision can be made. Overall we hope that the published papers meet the expectations of our readers and serve their needs.

article source:  http://www.electronicmarkets.org/news/messages/Executive-Editor-Report-2009


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